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Aydan Hasanova

Animafilm VI Festival

Animafilm Studio - Animafilm Internation Film Festival


Festival Trailer for the 6th edition of Animafilm Festival. The festival theme of 2023 was in support of celebrating women and women of the arts. The trailer brings together archetypes inspired by Azerbaijani folklore and beyond.

In its 6th year of the festival running, this  the first time we had a full Azerbaijani team for the trailer, comprised of talented, dedicated and enthusiastic young animators and artists. I was honored to be the Lead Animator of a team of 5 animators, alongside being the Project Supervisor and Coordinator.
As the animation had a short 1-month production timeline, I was responsible for translating the storyboards into ready-to-animate files. These files had keyframes readily drawn, with instructions available for the animators to fill up the inbetweens.
Excerpt from the animator’s guide.

the animation was done on 4s to create both a stylized animation and to alleviate the production load for the deadline.

I was later responsible for giving feedback regarding each scene to the responsible animator.
scene submitted by animator, ready for review.

The production was neatly organized with a report sheet to meet the deadline.